Download the audition form (either MS Word or PDF format) for "Chicago" and then return the completed and signed form back to us at
West Bay Community Theater will hold auditions for its August 2025 production of CHICAGO - In Concert on Saturday, May 10th (1:00 – 4pm) and Monday, May 12th (6:30 – 9:30pm) with callbacks on Sunday, May 18th (1:00 – 4pm).
Auditions will take place at the following locations:
· Saturday, May 10th (1:00 – 4:00pm)
· Monday, May 12th (6:30 – 9:30pm)
(St. Paul’s Parish Hall, 76 Main St, North Kingstown, RI 02852)
· Sunday, May 18th (1:00 – 400pm)
(Cold Spring Community Center, 30 Beach St, North Kingstown, RI 02852)
Appointments are preferred. Please book an audition time by emailing or calling (401) 372-7201. Those without appointments will be auditioned on a first-come, first-served basis. Audition forms can be downloaded from here.
To audition, please prepare 32 bars of a song from the show or in the style of the show. Please provide sheet music if the song is not from the show - accompanist provided. Arrive in comfortable clothing, ready to follow simple choreography combinations. Auditioners may also be asked to read cold from the script.
Auditioning for all principal voices and ensemble. Anyone 16 and older welcome (show contains some mature content). WBCT supports non-traditional casting choices and auditions are open to all, regardless of gender and/or gender identity.
This production of CHICAGO-IN CONCERT is music-focused, with minimal staging in addition to multimedia support (live video enhancement and show-related imagery). All music will be live with no pre-recorded and/or backing tracks.
Production date: Saturday, August 16th, 2025 in Wickford, RI (NK Town Beach Bandshell) with a rain date of Sunday, August 17th.
Rehearsals start in late May and run through June, July and August.
About the show:
Book by Fred Ebb and Bob Fosse
Music by John Kander, Lyrics by Fred Ebb
Based on the play Chicago by Maurine Dallas Watkins
Director: Terry Shea
Music Director: Dave Laros
Choreography: Marley Shaw
Production Design: Terry Shea/Zach Searle
Video Production and Design: James “Mortal” Sloane
WBCT’s production will focus on the music of the piece with minimal staging, aided by multimedia support.
CHICAGO is presented by arrangement with Concord Theatricals.
Broadway’s longest-running American musical, Chicagois a dazzling and satirical look at fame, justice, and the media machine. Set in 1920s Chicago and based on real-life murders and trials, Chicago follows Roxie Hart, a wannabe vaudevillian star who murders her lover and is arrested, despite her attempts to convince her pushover husband, Amos, to lie for her. In the Cook County Jail, Roxie meets her hero, the famed double-murderess and nightclub performer Velma Kelly. When both acquire the same lawyer, the greedy and lustful superstar, Billy Flynn, tensions come to a head as they vie for the spotlight-- though instead of onstage, they’re mugging for the flashbulb of the newspaper reporters. With catchy, sexy music and timeless lyrics by John Kander and Fred Ebb, and a funny, intelligent, and utterly engaging book by Kander and Bob Fosse, Chicago is a musical spectacular that is as addictive as gossip rags and as unforgettable as any trial of the century.
Musical Numbers:
Overture – Orchestra
All That Jazz– Velma Kelly and Company
Funny Honey – Roxie Hart, Amos Hart and Sergeant Fogarty
Cell Block Tango– Velma and the Murdresses
When You're Good to Mama – Matron Mama Morton
All I Care About– Billy Flynn and the Girls
A Little Bit of Good– Mary Sunshine
We Both Reached for the Gun – Billy, Roxie, Mary and the Reporters
Roxie – Roxie and the Boys
I Can't Do It Alone– Velma
Chicago After Midnight – Orchestra
My Own Best Friend– Roxie and Velma Act 2
Entr'acte – Orchestra
I Know a Girl– Velma
Me and My Baby– Roxie and Company
Mr. Cellophane– Amos
When Velma Takes the Stand – Velma and the Boys
Razzle Dazzle– Billy and Company
Class – Velma and Mama Morton
Nowadays/Hot Honey Rag – Velma and Roxie
Finale – Company
Female Characters:
VELMA KELLY: Female, 25-45 (Range: Alto, E3-D5)
Vaudeville performer who is accused of murdering her sister and husband. Hardened by fame, she cares
for no one but herself and her attempt to get away with murder.
ROXIE HART: Female, 25-45 (Range: Mezzo-Soprano, F3-B4)
Reads and keeps up with murder trials in Chicago, and follows suit by murdering her lover, Fred Casely.
She stops at nothing to render a media storm with one goal: to get away with it. She wants to be a star.
MATRON "MAMA" MORTON: Female, 30-50 (Range: Alto, F#3-Bb4)
Leader of the prisoners of Cook County Jail. The total essence of corruption. Accepts bribes for favors
from laundry service to making calls to lawyers. “When you’re good to Mama, Mama’s good to you.”
MARY SUNSHINE: Female – TYPICALLY PLAYED BY A MAN IN DRAG, 25-60 (Range: Soprano, Bb3-Bb5)
Sob sister reporter from the Evening Star. Believes there is a little bit of good in everyone and will
believe anything she is fed that matches her beliefs.
LIZ: Female, 18-45 (Range: Ensemble, A3-C#5)
Prisoner at Cook County Jail. She is imprisoned after shooting two warning shots into her husband’s
ANNIE : Female, 18-45 (Range : Ensemble, A3-C#5)
Prisoner at the Cook County Jail. Murder’s her lover after finding out he already has six wives. “One of
those Mormons, ya’ know.”
JUNE : Female, 18-45 (Range : Ensemble, A3-C#5)
Prisoner at Cook County Jail. After her husband accuses her of screwing the milk man, he mysteriously
runs into her knife… ten times.
HUNYAK: Female, 25-45 (Range: Non-Singing Role)
Hungarian Prisoner at Cook County Jail. The only English she speaks is the phase, “Not Guilty.” Which
follows her to her grave. (must be able to learn dialogue spoken in Hungarian)
MONA: Female, 18-45 (Range: Ensemble, A3-C#5)
Prisoner at Cook County Jail. Murders her lover after he has a round of affairs with other women, and an
occasional man. You could say they broke up because of “artistic differences.”
GO-TO-HELL-KITTY: Female, 21-40 (Range: Ensemble, A3-C#5)
Steals the spotlight when she Murders her husband along with three other people. Her crimes are
labeled “Lake Shore Drive Massacre.”
Male Characters:
BILLY FLYNN: Male, 35-55 (Range: Baritone Bb2-G4)
Established lawyer who hasn’t lost a woman’s case yet. Master of media manipulation who will get a girl
off the hook as long as she can fork up the hefty $5,000 fee.
AMOS HART: Male, 30-50 (Range: Baritone, C3-F#4)
Roxie’s faithful husband. Lies for her and tries to take the blame until he realizes that he has been two-
timed by Roxie. Somewhat simple-minded and innocent, Amos remains steadfast and loyal to Roxie,
even though his help (and even his presence) is hardly acknowledged.
FRED CASELY: Male, 25-50 (Range: Ensemble/Part Flexible)
Roxie’s short lived lover. Murdered for trying to leave Roxie.
SERGEANT FOGARTY: Male, 35-60 (Range: Ensemble/Part Flexible)
Assigned to Roxie’s case. After asking the right questions, he manages to get Roxie to confess.
MARTIN HARRISON: Male, 25-55 (Range: Ensemble/Part Flexible)
Chicago’s District Attorney, the prosecuting attorney in Roxie’s trial. Doubles in the ensemble.
HARRY:(Range: Ensemble/Part Flexible)
Murdered by Go-To-Hell Kitty for sleeping around with two women and a man behind her back. Doubles
in the ensemble.
AARON: (Range: Ensemble/Part Flexible)
Court appointed lawyer for Hunyak. He tries to get her to confess to speed along the trial. Doubles in the
JUDGE: Male, 40-65 (Range: Ensemble/Part Flexible)
Judge overseeing Roxie’s Trial. Doubles in the ensemble.
COURT CLERK: (Range: Ensemble/Part Flexible)
Swears people in with their hand on the bible. “Blah, Blah, Truth, Truth. S’elp-you God.” Doubles in the
WBCT welcomes all ethnicities, orientations, and gender identities, including drag performers.